Lazy Tuesday – April 24 2012

Welcome to our recurring feature “Lazy Mundaze”. What? Today’s not a Monday? Silly rabbit we were lazy! As such we’ve compiled some bite-size news for everyone to ingest to start your day along with your morning coffee. Enjoy!

Universal Studios rides and tours are two things I have not yet experienced but very much intend to.
Check out this making-of for ‘Transformers: The Ride 3D’.


Transformers are better left for rides and toys if you ask this ‘Swede’.

Contributed by Erik

Wolverine 2 will film in Australia

Due to unforeseen circumstances when originally planned the production for Wolverine 2 will film in Australia rather than in Japan. No plans for any modification for the intended tale of Wolverine’s Japanese adventures and the expectation is that Australia will fit the backdrop without much issue.

Source: Screenrant

Contributed by Anthony

Black Widow Featurette for the Avengers

More Avengers clips are pumping out to help promote the film with the latest being a featurette on the scarlet haired Avenger.

Source: Screenrant

Jaden Smith could be ‘Boy Nobody’

Jaden Smith is cut from the same cloth as his dear old dad as he’s in just as high a demand as Big willie these days. Aside from being sought out for a ‘Karate Kid’ sequel and re-teaming with his dad to work on M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘After Earth’ he’s also being sought out for the adaptation Allen Zadoff’s upcoming novel ‘Boy Nobody’.

Boy Nobody sounds like it might have more in common with 2011’s Hanna than The Hunger Games, as the plot follows a brainwashed teenage character, trained as a soldier at a young age, who slowly starts to regain his emotions.

Very interesting story and if the boy continues to practice his craft he’s either sure to burn out from the child-actor disease or will carrie the torch passed on from his dad and grow into a wholesome megastar. I like him as a young actor and was surprisingly entertained with the Karate Kid remake so I’ll keep my eyes on the kid and let you know of any interesting developments of his films.
Via: First Showing

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