New Amazing Spider-Man promo photos

Spider-Man is trying not to get forgotten during the Avengers and Batman frenzy that has overtaken the internet and a few more promotional images have been released to try to help remind everyone that the wallcrawler has a film coming out in like… wait.. just 2 or so months?!? Really? Wow.

I don’t get it. I KEEP forgetting that there’s a Spider-Man movie coming out. These images of Spider-Man in cool poses are nice and all but seriously? Have they seen what the Avengers have been doing to maintain a presence at the forefront of geek minds? I mean you gotta understand that I LOVE the Spider-Man character. It was my gateway character into comic books, it got me interested in drawing and pretty much shaped my life by entering art school and helping me choose my major in college. Yeah, all that cus I liked Spider-Man enough to pick up a pencil and yet somehow the fact that this movie is coming out in like 10 weeks keeps escaping MY mind. Is it just me or is something very very wrong with that.

Via: Geek Tyrant

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