Russell Crowe is confirmed as Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah”

We’ve been following the road to production for Darren Aranofsky’s “Noah” pretty closely around here from the early art released for the related graphic novel produced by Aronofsky, to the the rumored commitment of Christian Bale, to the departure of Christian Bale, to the rumored attachment of Russel Crowe which finally brings us today to the news that Russell Crowe is being confirmed to take the role.

Although it’s been pretty much a foregone conclusion that Russell Crowe is set to headline Darren Aronofsky’s Noah film for the past two months, Paramount Pictures and New Regency just barely officially confirmed that the star of such Oscar-winning titles as Gladiator and A Beautiful Mind will indeed portray the titular Biblical figure for Aronofsky.

NOAH is a close adaptation of the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark. In a world ravaged by human sin, Noah is given a divine mission: to build an Ark to save creation from the coming flood. The screenplay was written by Aronofsky and Ari Handel and revised by Academy Award®-nominated screenwriter John Logan (GLADIATOR, HUGO).

This is great news and I’m really happy for the director that he’s getting the opportunity to work on a passion project. I still feel the sting of his departure from ‘The Wolverine’ but this is something I can get behind as well. I’m sure he’ll give us a much different look at the tale and I’m looking forward to seeing his particular approach applied to the well known story of the biblical character. It shouldn’t be long before we begin to hear of other casting additions and more ‘radar’ worthy news. I’ll be sure to share as soon as it’s available.

Source: Screen Rant

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