The Dark Knight Rises: New Batman vs. Bane promo images

With the recent leak of images spreading across the web it’s starting to get harder to focus on the Avengers when there’s a Christopher Nolan directed Batman movie on the horizon. Today a few images have been unearthed showcasing Chrstian Bale as Batman and even a nice “wallpaper of the month” show of Batman fighting Bane. Yeah, the whole month!

These also seem like toy tie-in images rather than actual still from the film that were Photoshop’d to perfection, but they are breathtaking nonetheless. There’s a rumor that a new trailer will be attached to play before the Avengers movie that causes all sorts of nerd malfunctions with the possibility of great DC and Marvel film exposure in a single sitting. I’ll keep you guys posted on what else I can find..

Via: Rama’s Screen

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