
Finally, the trailer for Kevin James’ “Here Comes the Boom”

Here comes the boom. The thought of this film brings back a lot of fond memories. The new trailer is now available online and finally puts a face to the name of this production. The film is known to feature Kevin James, Salma Hayek, and reportedly also Charice Pempengco. Pempengco isn’t featured in the trailer but we do see Kevin James enter the world of MMA as a participant.



A high school biology teacher moonlights as a mixed-martial arts fighter in an effort to raise money to save the school’s music program.


I liked some of the physical humor and always enjoy an opportunity to see Salma Hayek on screen. She is simply one of the sexiest women walking the planet, PERIOD. I liked that it actually seems slightly different than previous Kevin James films and is a bit more physical with the world of MMA being a centerpiece of the plot. I don’t like that it seems to follow the Adam Sandler formulaic approach to filmmaking in that Kevin James seems to play a variation of the same character in each of his films. Will I see this? Not likely but I can be persuaded…
Via: Fandango

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