
Joss Whedon vs. The One Eyed Monster


First off, get your mind out of the gutter. It’s nothing like that. Joss Whedon, the incredible guy who helped deliver our highest rated films recently, chose to follow up his spectacular run this year by starring in a short film based on a story created by a 5 year old. Yes, a 5 year old.



…Scary Smash, which is based on a story by a 5-year-old kid named Brett Baligad.  To Brett’s credit, his story about a S.Q.U.A.T. leader (Whedon) facing off against a giant one-eyed monster (leave your sick minds at the door) after the death of a milkman (Dave Foley) is more entertaining than most movies you’ll see.


I couldn’t make that up. Stuff like that can only come from the imagination of a 5 year old.


Via: Collider

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