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Karl Urban spilled the beans on Star Trek 2 villain


Star Trek 2 has been one of those movies in the back of my mind for a while now. It’s not in the forefront because the dang thing is shrouded in secrecy. I know enough to keep mild excitement like the fact that J.J. Abrams is back in the directors chair and that all the major cast members have returned to reprise their roles, but one thing that’s been been kept from the mass public is the identity of Benedict Cumberbatch’s character and his role in the film. Well the hot item today is that Karl Urban let slip the identity of that very role…


…now comes word directly from Karl Urban that Cumberbatch will be playing Gary Mitchell.

Serving on the Enterprise, Mitchell and another crew member, Elizabeth Dehner, are exposed to a powerful energy while attempting to cross the Milky Way’s galactic barrier. Following the ordeal, Mitchell and Dehner begin toexhibitsuperhumanpowerswhich grow exponentially until Kirk decides that, for the safety of hisship, he must maroon both crew members on the uninhabited Delta Vega (a planet that made an appearance in Abrams’ first “Star Trek” film).

I have to admit that the revelation is very unexpected but extremely interesting if consistent with the characterization that was used with the original Star Trek series. Abrams likes to put his on spin on what’s familiar so I’m very interested in finding out his approach and plot for this character as the villain.


Via: Worst Previews

Photo Courtesy: Shutterstock



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