Movie News Chat

They finally got Josh Trank to settle on his next superhero movie


I’m gonna be frank, I’m confused by this whole Josh Trank scenario. I get the part about him directing that film Chronicle that we all loved and I get why he would be in a much higher demand from studios since that films’ release but what I don’t understand is what the hell he’s directing next. There were rumors about him directing Venom and then rumors that he was doing a Chronicle sequel, and then something about him doing a very unexpected choice in The Red Star. All of these films, at one time or another, were declared as Trank’s’ next directorial project but today we’re, supposedly, getting the real next project of director Josh Trank:


 …as has long been rumoredChronicledirector Josh Trank is taking his talents behind the camera of super powered action and drama to an official comic book franchise by taking the helm of 20th Century Fox’s reboot of Fantastic Four. The film will have an all-new cast and will be the next comic book film for the studio following The Wolverine…


Considering that this is something being spread from Comic-Con announcements I would like to give this one more credit… but I’m gonna take it with a grain of salt until something along the lines of a birth certificate or binding contract is scanned and put on the internet for everyone to see. I know they want Trank to helm this film as his next project, I just get the impression that Trank wants to helm EVERYTHING as his next directorial project…


Via: First Showing


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