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Joe Carnahan’s Daredevil Sizzle Reels

It seems that Joe Carnahan is not yet done with discussing his approach to Hell’s Kitchen’s favorite crimson vigilante and has been, seemingly, up all night discussing all things Daredevil while increasing the number of his twitter followers. It’s a very interesting read and seemingly passionate approach to the character. So much so that Carnahan has shared not one, but two different sizzle reels prepared to promote his vision for the film:



At this point enough was enough and he released the following two trailers. First up is the more “PG-13” cut:

After releasing this, and to the delight of his ever increasing number of followers, he released a more “NC-17” cut:

After releasing the two sizzle reels he chimed in with teh following tweet:

I really like his vision. A film about Daredevil taking place in what seems to be the 1970’s is a bold approach when just about every other comic related films released are contemporary. That’s no minor change as Fox would be staking their claim on the character making it highly improbable for any chance of possible intermingling with any other Marvel related franchise by having the character in that time period. It’s a bold move that seems to be a roll of the dice hinging on the quality of the script to weave a film that could captivate fickle audiences of today. I, personally, understand the apprehension on Fox’s part with a film approach like this but on the other hand Joe Carnahan has proven himself to be a capable director to create some truly intriguing and successful films to the point that studios were at least at one time considering re-releasing his last film, starring Liam Neeson, with the idea of getting Academy recognition for The Grey.
So, what’s the holdup? Doesn’t he already have a script and has the time and willingness to start filming yesterday? Carnahan fielded such a question or twitter and actually responded and explains!



It’s a bittersweet look at some of the things that happen behind the scenes, especially from a director. Soak it up folks cus this kinda stuff doesn’t make its way online everyday and will be one to remember whenever we see ol horn head on the silver screen and look back and what could have been.
Via: Joe Carnahan’s Twitter

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