Movie News Chat

Check out limited edition broken cowl case for The Dark Knight Rises Blu Ray


I’m anxiously waiting for the opportunity to re-watch the Dark Knight  Rises. Not only did I not get to see the film in 70mm IMAX, I only saw the film once! Damn shame cus I remember watching the film prior seemingly a million times. The movie was great and the home release is coming to give me the opportunity to re-watch the film in my home theater and on my HDTV and to make my movie mantle that much more outstanding WB is releasing this amazing looking broken cowl collectors edition case for the film.



That is one badass case and I am determined to find a way to make this match my Dark Knight mask BluRay:



Not sure how this is all gonna work on my mantle but I’m determined to figure this out. Who else is aiming to get the expensive shattered mask case?

Via: Worst Previews

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