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Now they’re saying Captain America might be in Thor 2


You know I wondered what it would “feel” like post Avengers. Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor will all appear in sequels to their stand-alone films. What kind of tone will these movies have after the huge and life altering events that took place in their ensemble film? My might just couldn’t compute the question. My expectation is that the sequel films would feel a little “hollow” now that the main characters are handling their issues solo again and my mind wanting to see the Hulk appear to sucker punch Thor or something. We’ve seen these “larger than life” characters solo and as an ensemble, (I prefer ensemble), and now they’re supposed to just go home and act as if it was just “that thing from last week they did before Schwarma?” It would seem artificial and believe it or not the solution seemed simple enough I just doubted that it would happen. I might be wrong. I hope I’m wrong, and who am I to doubt the house of ideas?


The rumor is that, Captain America star, Chris Evans might appear in Thor 2 and vice versa with Chris Hemsworth in Captain America 2. Chris Evans is up in Toronto for the film festival and was asked about his upcoming work and here’s what he said:


[Chris] Hemsworth and I even talked about that. I would love to do a little thing inThor 2. It is obviously going to be tricky trying to work out the plot, the reason why I am not there to help him, and why he is not there to help me. But the best thing about Marvel is that, like I said, the movies were so good and we had such a good time making them…


…The most I am looking forward to is exploring a little bit of Steve’s…they had all those deleted scenes with The Avengers because a lot of those scenes are for Captain 2, you know what I mean? It was good stuff, but it all felt like that was his story. It is a different movie. With The Avengers there was so much to cram in. So I think making it any longer would have just been exhausting. A lot of that stuff [that was cut] is for Captain America 2. That is his story. It is him trying to on a personal level adjust to the fact that everyone he knows is gone and the whole Peggy Carter of it all. There are a lot of things that he kind of has to come to terms with. So I don’t know. I am excited to kind of see flashes of the first Captain, if you know what I mean, and to see his memory of what we now know as an audience of who he was.


I really wanted to explore Steve’s story in the Avengers. We got a chance to take a look at some of the footage a while back and based on footage and statements like this I got the impression that Whedon accidentally started making a Captain America sequel without even realizing. He started to tell the tale of Steve’s transition from living in the 50’s to living in modern times and I understand where that idea originated. It’s like the elephant in the room and from a storyteller’s perspective it just can be difficult to ignore the character developments of a man displaced from time. He managed the task pretty well by touching on how Steve might be feeling without really diving in but it was clear that it was a story he felt inclined to tell. I’m glad they’re salvaging the footage he created and are incorporating that into the Captain America sequel. I just hope those Community guys know what the hell they’re doing…


Via: Geek Tyrant



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