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The Farrely’s tweet a title for Dumb and Dumber sequel


I like that the Farrelly’s are re-teaming with Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels to make a sequel to 1994’s Dumb and Dumber. Sure it’s like a decade late and somehow a easily neglected prequel was released but that hasn’t diminished my favorable outlook on the potential for this new film. The Farrelly’s are also victim of becoming twitter users and have used this infliction to share the title for the sequel while they put the finishing touches on the script:



It’s good to know that this is still gaining traction and moving forward toward a release. My only concern is with Jim Carrey as he seems to decide at a whim whether or not he wants to participate in projects and this film has already seen him drop and re-join the cast. I’ll keep you guys updated when I find out more, that’s all for now…


Via: The Film Stage



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