
Movie Magic: Practical, Visual and Behind


You ever find yourself watching a film wondering, “Hey, how’d they do that?” I just assume most of the time a lot of everything we see in modern films is green screen and you’ll hear about budgets ballooning due to visual effects. I’m a bit old school at heart.


Actually I’m lying. I’m mostly old school so when films establish the use of more practical effects – I like it. You can always feel that inherent tangibility to what you’re looking at on screen with practical effects versus visual effects. It’s not to say that art of practical effects is lost nowadays as there are definitely still directors out there that prefer practical effects over visual effects. In reality we get both, especially with today’s films but in the end with films, it’s how that uncanny valley actually gets filled. And whether or not our eyes believe the magic or aren’t fooled by it.

The point of this is to share some of the imagery I’ve come across while surfing the internet. It’s a cool introspective look at movies behind the scenes, candid imagery, as-is. Maybe you’ve seen some of these before, maybe you haven’t. Either or, enjoy! And see if you can recognize the films!


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