Movie News Chat

First image of Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx in “White House Down”

I vaguely remember reading about this movie with Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum with Foxx taking on the task of portraying the President of the United States. I think it slipped my mind because I wasn’t very excited by the casting for the film but regardless of my perspective the film is still on its way and has released its first image for everyone to give the film another look. So what’s in this photo that will garner interest and commitment to buy? Why an image of C-Tates doing his best to protect the life of Foxx in what looks to be a precarious situation. Check it out:




I will admit that these are some intriguing photos. The photos look like the film has a good layer of polish and will be on par with other Roland Emmerich films as far as suspense. Jamie Foxx has the potential to really deliver some knock out performances and Tatum has the potential to… breakdance and deliver great comedic timing. The photo does inspire the idea that there’s potential for substance and entertainment, somehow, but my overall apprehension with Channing Tatum remains and muddies  some of my outlook on this film. I need some video.


Via: The Film Stage



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