Movie News Chat

Mark Hamill talks Episode 7


Mark Hamill will be remembered for 2 characters that he’s been associated with incessantly throughout his career: Luke Skywalker and The Joker. When news broke out that Episode 7 was going to happen it’s likely that Hamill’s phone may have imploded from the non-stop inquiries for information about this mysterious film. Well somehow someone got the guy to talk and he admits that he knew this movie was happening over a year ago:


[George Lucas] asked Carrie [Fisher] and I to have lunch with him and we did,” he explained. “I thought he was going to talk about either hisretirementor the ‘Star Wars’ TV series that I’ve heard about. So when he said, ‘We decided we’re going to do Episodes VII, VIII, and IX,’ I was just gobsmacked.


“I can see both sides of it,”

“Because in a way, there was a beginning, a middle, and an end and we all lived happily ever after and that’s the way it should be — and it’s great that people have fond memories, if they do have fond memories. But on the other hand, there’s this ravenous desire on the part of the true believers to have more and more and more material. It’s one of those things: people either just don’t care for it or are passionate about it. I guess that defines what cult movies are all about.

I’m anxious to know what’s going on, but the main story [yesterday] was the sale to Disney. I have mixed feelings about that, but they haven’t done badly by Marvel and the Muppets and Pixar. It’s one of those big decisions that at first seems unusual but then the more you look at it, the more it makes sense.”

So Lucas decided to speak with them a year ago to talk Episode VII, VIII, and IX? Why would he need to discuss this with them? Did they get a similar call when he planned the prequels or was he really intending on including them in this film.


Hamill, I love/hate you.


Source: Worst Previews



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