Movie News Chat

Benedict Cumberbatch’s Star Trek character revealed?


I want to see that nine minute preview.  Whew, got that out of the way.  That said there’s this image that I saw the other day but forgot to share with you guys of Benedict Cumberbatch’s character locked up in some sort of holding cell presumably on the Star Ship Enterprise.  Apparently this is actually the first official image from the film released by Paramount and includes some insight into Cumberbatch’s character. Check out the image:


Click to Super Size


The first part that confuses me is that I didn’t get this image direct from Paramount myself.  Those guys are usually pretty good with keeping me in the loop so I’m until I look further into that I’m going to take this with a grain of salt but Screen Rant is reporting this:


The image also includes a head-scratching caption that further muddies Cumberbatch villain speculation – as the character is actually “named.”

Here’s the associated caption:

(Left to right) Zachary Quinto is Spock, Benedict Cumberbatch is John Harrison and Chris Pine is Kirk in STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS from Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions.

John Harrison? Yeah, right.  And Marion Cotilard was Miranda Tate in The Dark Knight Rises.  I’m not falling for that nonsense. Nope, I’m going to chug grains of salt and dismiss this nonsense until I see the final product.  Well played Mr. Abrams, well played…


Via: Screen Rant



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