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Samuel L. Jackson wants in on Star Wars Episode 7


Star Wars Episode 7 is THE hot project in Hollywood right now with everyone talking about the project, its story, and whether or not they want to be involved.  We’ve heard from Spielberg, Brad Bird, J.J. Abrams, Quentin Tarantino, and more as to whether or not they’d want to direct and from all of the original cast as to whether or not they would reprise their roles and unsurprisingly the man who can’t do enough films Sam “The Man” Jackson throwing his name into the hat by proclaiming that he’d like to see the return of Mace Windu and reprise his role:


“I’m not surprised but totally geeked by the idea of there being more Star Wars,” Jackson told E! News“It’s like, okay, Obi-Wan was dead when episode four started, so maybe everyone thinks I’m dead and we’ll find out what happened to Mace Windu. I can come back as one-armed or a one-handed Jedi that’s still around that didn’t actually die.”

“I could do that or be a ghost hologram. I don’t care, I just want to stay associated with the franchise.”

But what is it about the franchise that makes Jackson want to return so badly?

“I just always loved it. I always loved the idea of it, that there’s this whole civilization out there somewhere else that’s just as much fun and different and diverse and wild as we are.” 


There’s not many characters from the prequel trilogy that I’d like to see reprise their roles.  If they need to bring back Anakin, cut out that stiff Hayden Christensen and bring in Chris Pine. Cut out jar jar and figure out how to not make me feel bad Natalie Portman for portraying her confounding character as Padme.  Mace Windo is one character that I can see returning and living on as a Obi-Wan type role.  The prequel films had a lot of things that caught the ire of fans but I can’t think of many negative things with Jackson’s character or his performance.  I’d be interested in this character returning but man alive they better have a damn good script for this…


Via: Coming Soon



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