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The Fantastic Four reboot has a release date


The Fantastic Four are getting a reboot courtesty of “Chronicle” director Josh Trank.  Good enough news for all those involved, kinda, but when’s it going to come out? That question has finally been answered as Fox has announced an actual release date for the film ahead of announcing any casting, theme, or much of anything at all besides that. Seriously:


ERC dropped news on Twitter that 20th Century Fox’s Fantastic Four reboot has been given a March 6, 2015 release date. This means it will be hitting 10 years after the 2005 Fantastic Four movie which starred Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis.

Chronicle director Josh Trank is in charge of rebooting the franchise, and he’ll have Kick-Ass and Wanted creator Mark Millar on hand as a creative consultant.

That’s a mighty long time since the last film. Has it really been 7 years since the Silver Surfer movie?  I still havent completely washed the stench of that film out of my mind.  Galactus was a F’n cloud.  That being said it would take a monumental effort for Josh Trank to produce a film that disappoints more than that pair of films from the mid-2000’s and really doesn’t have any place to go but up.


Via:  Filmonic



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