Movie News Chat

Tron 3 might still happen


Something, something there’s a new guy writing a draft on a script.  Unfortunately but seriously, that’s it.



Disney wants to push ahead with its sequel to Tron: Legacy and has hired screenwriter Jesse Wigutow (who worked on the forthcoming Crow remake and an adaptation of “Peter and the Starcatchers”) to create another draft of the script. There’s no word yet on what the plot might look like, or how much of David DiGilio’s first draft will be kept, but the last installment ended with Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) giving control of ENCOM to Alan (Bruce Boxleitner) before hopping on a motorcycle with former program Quorra (Olivia Wilde) and riding off into the sunrise.


There’s a way to criticize the film for underperforming financially (at $400m worldwide), but the real criticism is that the second film in the franchise was all filler and no killer. Was it beautiful? Absolutely. Stunning. And it had a solid soundtrack.


But those elements alone don’t make for a worthy two-hour ride, and that kind of hollow disappointment is most likely why it didn’t get the kind of word of mouth that gigantic films absolutely, without question have to have in order to break records and return money. It didn’t connect with audiences outside of becoming a new club mix. Hopefully this is the lesson the studio took away and will, with Wigutow, be instilling in the story for Tron 3.


It’s really non news, assumption and the usual but in some ways it’s’ something’ I guess. I enjoyed the sequel Tron: Legacy and frankly never grow tired of it. It’s rare for me to go through all the ‘special features’ on a disc, but for Tron: Legacy I’ve done it. It was the part of me wanting to know where things are going next. I suspect Dillinger and the MCP will be there in some capacity coupled with things being in the real world now. We know Tron rebooted at the end of the sequel and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Jeff Bridges through his re-assimilation has reached a beyond zen state he was seeking through his meditation, or maybe he’ll be reconfigured and return to the real world too (a fan’s dream). Aside from that run on sentence, I’m confident a sequel will happen but we just don’t know when. In the meantime, there is still movement for Tron which is a good thing.


Frankly, I just like how it feels there is a sudden resurgence of sci-fi.   Oblivion, Elysium,  Star Wars,  Avatar whenever Cameron is done deep sea diving,  All You Need is Kill, and Pacific Rim… that’s a lot of sci-fi!


Via: Film School Rejects



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