Oh yeah, Resident Evil Retribution


I’m sorry poor old Resident Evil. I’d like to give you more attention. I really would. Not that you’ve been perfect or anything but I usually take guilty pleasure in keeping up with how you’re doing and everything. I mean we go way back. I’m talking Playstation 1. As a film series you’ve been a little weird but I still kinda like you. It’s just that I’ve kinda been distracted. Don’t take it personal it’s not you it’s… You know what, screw it. How about I make it up to you with by showing off your goods to my international friend, hmm?



Via: Comic Book Movie



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

5 thoughts on “Oh yeah, Resident Evil Retribution

  1. No, just no. Why is this a good idea? The leading lady cannot act at all and most of the films have been the director’s love letter to his wife. Even when Alice lost her powers in Afterlife, she still was good at everything and overshadowed all the main characters who did literally nothing to solve any of the problems. 
    This looks like it is going to be horrendous. Hopefully people other than Alice will do stuff, but I seriously doubt it. 

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