Movie News Chat

10 New images for Hansel and Gretel Witchhunters



Paramount just shared 10 high res images for their upcoming Jeremy Renner film “Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters”.  I have to admit that I’m a bit apprehensive with this project mainly because the film was delayed well over a year in order to allow more exposure of Jeremy Renner to audiences in other films in order to raise his star power before unleashing With Hunters.  It felt like they were trying to hide a dud and I believe that if a film is truly a good film, as well as entertaining, then it will be able to stand on its own merit and generate good box office but I also understand the apprehension of putting out the film due to… well, Jeremy Renner.  He’s their biggest appeal but also their biggest risk since the actor had not proven himself capable of drawing audiences as a leading man and at the end of the day a $60 million budget is still $60 friggin million bucks.  I also think it was a part of the John Carter effect that’s plagued studios in the past year and caused quite a few release date shuffles.


Anyhoo, check out the new images below:



Source: Paramount Pictures



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