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Future Star Wars 3D re-releases cancelled


Remember a while back how George Lucas had planned on re-releasing the entire Star Wars saga in his own chronological order starting with the prequel films?  You should because once of them was released just last year with further adventures of the Skywalker clan intended to be released after.


Although plans were underway for theatrical 3D re-releases of both Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Deadline reports that Lucasfilm will instead concentrate their attention on the upcoming Episode VII instead.

It is unclear how much post-conversion work has already been accomplished on the two remaining prequels (Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menancesaw a 3D re-release last year), but it is possible that both films could find a theatrical re-release sometime in the future or that the 3D versions could be released directly to Blu-ray.


Those plans are scrapped.  The Episode VII release has nixed out those plans but don’t worry, I’m sure Disney will read Lucas’ notes carefully and find a way to release and re-release these films several times over in and out of bundles with and without 3D.


That’s all for now…


Source: Coming Soon



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