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Jurassic Park 4: A Real Release Date, who should direct?


Jurassic Park 4 is one of those movies that I feel that I’ve been writing about since the day I starting writing on this website.  That and Ghostbusters, but today we learn that the former has done something that the latter hasn’t and likely never will: It received a release date.


For real this time.


Universal Pictures and Steven Spielberg have set a June 13, 2014, release date for “Jurassic Park IV,” with plans to shoot the film in 3D.

Spielberg is currently set as a producer with Frank Marshall, and plot details are being kept under wraps as Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver pen the script.

Spielberg recently announced that he would delay production on the sci-fi epic “Robopocalypse,” feeling that the film needed to be rethought. He has not committed to another film, but given that “Jurassic Park IV” is now on the fast track, it’s possible he could step back into the director’s chair.


The unforeseen gaping hole in Spielberg’s schedule has undoubtedly caused some reshuffling of projects for the esteemed director and I for one can’t wait to learn more.  Do I think Spielberg will direct?  I doubt it.  He can make those action movies in his sleep, so it’s not enticing to the director without any challenge.  Instead I think that the movie will probably instead introduce some new blood and possibly do something to spark new life into the dormant franchise.  Just think about how much potential is still untapped with Jurassic Park and how just the right critical eye can do wonders.


Many will stop and hope/imagine a Guillermo Del Toro-esque director taking on the role which is a downright typical prediction and borders on becoming cliche.   Me? I’m holding out hope for a Jon Favreau, Andrew Stanton, Brad Bird, or a Neil Blomkamp.  You know, the kind of director that wouldn’t immediately come to mind but you’ll agree would make an awesome movie if given the opportunity.


Via: Variety



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