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Paul Giamatti in talks to play The Rhino


Who is the Rhino?  He’s one of the Amazing Spider-man’s most beloved rogues, one who isn’t about world domination or proving to the guys who picked on him as a kid that he’s not a wuss anymore.  Nope, the Rhino was just some dick in a super powered suit who kept it simple and mostly tried to enhance his fortunes by robbing banks.  Neat guy.


Paul Giamatti and Felicity Jones are in talks to join the cast of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2.”

The two would join a cast that includes Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone reprising their roles as Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy along with Jamie Foxx, Shailene Woodley and Dane DeHaan. Giamatti will play the role of “the Rhino” and it is unknown at this time what role Jones would be playing.


Well, it seems that Marc Webb is interested in approaching the dual villain approach with Giamatti being in the same film as Jamie Foxx’s Electro.   I’m not a huge fan of the multiple villains for a sequel idea because it typically bogs down the developments of key characters. Lots of new characters, lots of moving parts, I just hope that this all pans out and I truly do want to give Marc Webb my confidence ,but after that first film… I can’t do that.


At least he has nowhere to go but up.


Source: Variety



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