
TV Spot: Pain and Gain


Something else that I noticed during football, besides the TV Spot for Oblivion, was a TV spot for Michael Bay’s upcoming comedy Pain and Gain starring Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.  It was a pretty interesting TV spot and brought up nostalgic feelings of Michael Bay’s earlier works.  Paramount was kind enough to forward me a copy so check it out to see exactly what I mean:



See?  That TV spot was glazed in the secret recipe of an early Michael Bay film and made a lot of people remark that it reminds them of Bad Boys, the buddy comedy Bay made starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence.  It caught many by surprise but it also seems like the spot produced a favorable response with those that I spoke with which isn’t unexpected just a little jarring since it’s been so long since Michael Bay has made a film without gigantic robots.  I like this feeling and this spot gives me high hopes for what looks to be a fairly fun film and also helps me believe that that Bay made the right decision by taking a break away from the Transformers universe.  We’ll see where things go from there.


Via: Paramount Pictures



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