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I am NOT writing about James McAvoy being rumored for The Crow


I will not talk about the Crow. I won’t.  I’ve been talking about The Crow getting a reboot from years with directors attaching themselves, and then subsequently running away and don’t even get me started on the rumored stars.  Bradley Cooper, Mark Wahlberg, Hell maybe even Denzel Washington have all been rumored for the title role at one point or another and I’m just sick of it so I absolutely refuse to further or encourage these shenanigans.


I’ll let the guys over at Screen Crave do that instead…


Since it was first announced that F. Javier Gutiérrez (Before the Fall) would be helming Dimension Films’ remake of their own The Crow (itself a film based upon the graphic novel byJames O’Barr, and the source of several horrible, horrible sequels), the big questions was: who will portray Eric Draven, the dark hero of the story?  Well, it looks like James McAvoy may be taking the plunge…


Previously, we came precariously close to having either Bradley Cooper or Mark Wahlberg star as Draven in the reboot before both actors moved on; now, James McAvoy (X-Men: First Class) is in talks to take the role and, thus far, seems the least ridiculous of the actors suggested to play the role.

Thus far, production and release dates for The Crow reboot have not been announced.

See that. Even they are coy about getting exciting about this film and know that this shit has been done before.  This back and forth isn’t worth the investment and as a writer I lose interest in writing about this kinda stuff after enough time. It’s frustrating  annoying, and heartrbreaking when an actor is attached to a role and then departs before production.  I remember Robert Downey Jr. was going to be our Oz the Great and Powerful and that one still stings.  After this much cock-teasing, I don’t even know if I want that anymore…


Source: Screen Crave



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