Marc Webb tweets a tease for the next Spider-Man costume


I guess Marc Webb discovered how to use Twitter because the first major thing he used it for was to post this tease of a picture for Amazing Spider-Man 2. That picture apparently is part of what the new Spider-Man costume will be. But a black costume usually means there is a tie in to the symbiote or Venom in some way since that was the origin of the black costume. I know rumors have been floating around saying that Venom could be in the film, so does the emergence of the black arachnid mean that we’ll now see a reboot of Venom?


Could Venom be in “The Amazing Spider-Man 2?”


I hope that they do not introduce Venom with so many other villains already in the mix. Does anyone remember what happened with Spider-Man 3? Too many characters with so little screen time is a bad thing and with The Rhino and Electro already confirmed, I think there’s already plenty to focus on.


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