
Trailer: British Horros ‘WarHouse’




Warhouse is a gripping, brutal, psychological film with a supernatural edge that charts one man’s fight to preserve his humanity and sanity over years of terrible imprisonment.


Royal Marine A.J Budd (Joseph Morgan) awakes in a mysterious house and is forced to fight for his life everyday against grotesque inhuman opponents. Trapped alone in an unchanging prison of unbreakable routines, he must kill everyday or die himself. As days stretch into years, the isolation and unceasing violence threaten his very soul.


The only note of hope lies in the journals of a former prisoner of the Warhouse, WW1 officer Lieutenant Edward Sterling (Matt Ryan). Discovered behind a secret wall, Sterling’s diaries serve as a mentor to the young marine and help to keep him alive, but what dark fate befell their author?


The Stories of these two men from different times interweave as their desperation to escape the Warhouse and the endless killing leads them both into taking terrible measures.



Source: Live For Films



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