Avengers 2 Reveals Two New Characters in its Script


Although there is not an official confirmation, there is a very strong theory that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver will be joining the team in Avengers 2. Bleeding Cool compiled a number of sources that lean towards these characters being included in the current script. If you watch the video below, you will hear Joss Whedon confirm that he is excited to include a brother and sister on the team. Kevin Feige was asked about this and of course abstained from answering, but everyone knows a “no comment” means it’s a yes.


This week’s Entertainment Weekly is leading with an Iron Man 3 cover story. They’ve managed to pull in some interviews to support this, including one with Kevin Feige that will apparently provide an overview of the remainder of Phase 2, and they’ve also gone out to secret sources for information.
What they’ve come back with there is confirmation that Joss Whedon has indeed written Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch into his Avengers 2 screenplay.
The magazine put this to Feige for an on-the-record comment and he played it cool, saying:
I’m not confirming or denying. The draft could change six months from now.

Via: Bleeding Cool



If this is true, which it is seeming to be, this is going to cause a major nexus that will require some sort of collaboration between the studios. The nexus I am referring to is the fact that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are mutants and on top of that they are the children of Magneto. This falls into the X-Men realm which of course leads to Fox studios. If these characters are included are they going to elaborate on their true origins or are their origins going to become the elephant in the room? On top of that, it will be interesting to see how they use Scarlet Witch’s powers in the film. Are they going to scale her down a bit or are they going to give her the ability to alter reality? Time will tell but this is exciting news for the next film! Let’s hear what you have to say everyone…DISCUSS, DISCUSS, DISCUSS!

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