Coming this October is the first film written and directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The film is titled Don Jon and focuses on the routine life of a “Guido-esque” man (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and his infatuation with a girl (Scarlett Johanssen) he meets at a bar. Check out the trailer below.
The main character seems to be modeled around a character from The Jersey Shore from his day to day routine, his attire, his haircut, and overall appearance. The premise seems very simple which could make for a very drab plot. I hope there is something more to this film than what I saw in this trailer and we don’t have another Premium Rush situation. I think Joseph Gordon-Levitt is extremely talented, but I just don’t know about this film. I’ll most likely see it due to it being the first film written and directed by JGL. Hopefully this is a film that can’t be dissected by the trailer alone and there is a lot more substance than can be seen at this point. What do you all think, is this going to be a good film or bad film?