Shailene Woodley’s role of Mary Jane completely cut from Amazing Spider-Man 2


With the characters and roles quickly filling up in Amazing Spider-Man 2, I was sure that something was going to happen to manage so many different character plots. According to Deadline, Shailene Woodley will not be playing the role of Mary Jane in the next Spider-Man film. The role is not being completely cut from the franchise, it is instead being put on hold until the third film. The reason for this move was to keep focus on the development of the relationship between Peter (Andrew Garfield) and Gwen (Emma Stone).


Despite shooting a handful of scenes as Mary Jane Watson in Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Shailene Woodley will not be appearing in the superhero sequel after all, the studio confirms. The Mary Jane character – the most famous of Peter Parker’s comic book love interests – will instead be pushed to the third film so that the rebooted franchise can focus on the relationship between Peter (Andrew Garfield) and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) first established in 2012′s The Amazing Spider-Man.

Via: Deadline


This is honestly a good thing. When characters start stacking up in films, I begin to worry. We already have Peter, Gwen, Rhino, Electro, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, and a possibility of the Vulture appearing in the film. I don’t think that there is enough room for as many characters as they currently have and I would be happy to see some more cut unless there plans are to keep the roles at a borderline cameo level. The focus should be Gwen and Peter, and if Gwen supposedly dies, then it should be a smooth transition into the Mary Jane storyline as it was in the comics.

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