
The Desolation of Smaug: 1st trailer


It’s been a bit of a long day. Warner Bros. has released new images and the very first trailer, that I’m aware of, for the 2nd film in Peter Jackson’s “The Hobbit” trilogy ‘The Desolation of Smaug’ finally revealing the looks of Smaug himself.  The 1st film gave the trilogy a fantastic start and I’m certainly looking forward to seeing the remaining films. I won’t bore you too long with all this reading, let’s get to the goods:



The tone of the film seems fairly dark but I’m liking what I’m seeing. I’m still coming off of my nerve wracking ‘Game of Thrones’ high for the year I’m a bit anxious to revisit the world of Tolkien as it’s a comparable setting. Seeing Orlando Bloom in action as Legolas is a bit exciting as I remember enjoying battle scenes with his nimble character in the LoTR trilogy. The sight of Smaug is the big payoff in the trailer loving nestled at the end. I’m comfortable with the size and scale of the character and I’m also curious to hear Benedict Cumberbatch’s portrayal with his voice. Overall the trailer leaves me feeling positive about the film.
Thanks for stealing the show right before summer PJ. That’s all for now…


Source: Warner Bros.



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