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James Cameron CONFIRMS that he’s making Battle Angel after Avatar 3


I’ve thought about a Battle Angel film since that summer I spent in summer school reading the manga during English class. That’s about… 13 years or so? James Cameron announced about 5 years later that he had the film rights and planned on making the film before working on a little film idea he had called ‘Avatar’. Cameron has kept the Battle Angel film rights in a vice grip since that time. I figured that we might as well write this one off into vapor-reel, but James Cameron was recently interviewed with, surprisingly, Alfonso Cuaron and not only re-iterated that he plans on making Battle Angel, he actually has a tentative date to bring production!



The series is set in the post-apocalyptic future and focuses on Alita, a cyborg who has lost all memories and is found in a garbage heap by a cybernetics doctor who rebuilds and takes care of her. She discovers that there is one thing she remembers, the legendary cyborg martial art Panzer Kunst, which leads to her becoming a Hunter Warrior or bounty hunter. The story traces Alita’s attempts to rediscover her past and the characters whose lives she impacts on her journey.


So he actually has a time frame in mind to actually make this movie. I swear to you guys, I wrote this one off as something I didn’t expect to see in my young adult life, (and I won’t depending on how you look at it), and I’m excited at the idea of this becoming a reality. I can just picture that Scarlett Johanson-eque sexy bad ass cyborg bounty hounter now.


Source: JoBlo and Wikipedia



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