Jim Carrey tweets pics on the set of Dumb and Dumber To


It’s almost been 20 years since Dumb and Dumber was released but it still demands laughter every time it’s viewed. After a long battle to get the sequel approved, the studios finally started production and Jim Carrey tweeted the first on set pictures of Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne reunited.



It looks like not much has changed for the two characters. They’ve aged a little bit but for the most part they look the same from head to toe. The big question that I (and I’m sure others) have is whether or not this movie will be able to adapt to this generation’s humor. I still enjoy Dumb and Dumber when I have the chance to view it, but part of that enjoyment comes from the first experience I had when viewing the film. If the sequel is going to be a bunch of regurgitated jokes from the first film, I think that many fans will notice and not be pleased. While I want this film to rekindle the relationship I had with the original, I want that relationship to evolve and adapt as well. With that said, it’s very exciting to see this picture of Lloyd and Harry together and in regards to the film, I hope for the best.

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