Paul Rudd is Ant-Man Marvel’s Next Superhero


While he may seem like a strange choice to some, Paul Rudd has reportedly landed the lead in Marvel’s Ant-Man film. He is in early negotiations but based on the variety of sources confirming it, it sounds like he’ll be taking the role.

Marvel is ready to name its next superhero as sources tell Variety that Paul Rudd is in early negotiations to star in “Ant-Man.”
Rudd, along with Joseph Gordon Levitt, was considered one of the front-runners for the part, as Variety first reported.



Paul Rudd is known for comedy but slapstick comedy wasn’t where he started. As surprised by the choice as I am, I’m not necessarily disappointed. Let’s not forget that Robert Downey Jr. had a very rough career prior to Iron Man and he had such an impact on the role of Tony Stark that many current comic books began to emulate his persona. I’m not saying Paul Rudd is capable of that, but I’m also not saying he isn’t capable. Hank Pym AKA Ant-Man is a role that I can see Rudd fitting into, given Rudd’s witty and sarcastic humor that could be perceived as a confident intelligence. Lately I’ve been liking the casting risks Hollywood has taken because it gives these actors a chance to prove themselves to the fans. To be completely honest, I’m a little excited to have Paul Rudd in the role just so we can see what else he is capable of.

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