The 10 Most Overpaid Actors of 2013


Forbes released its list of overpaid actors for 2013. They determine their ranking by the amount of success the actors’ films have had for the year. Here is their list of the most overpaid actors based on their profitability per every dollar they’re paid.


10. Ryan Reynolds

Returns $10.70 for every $1.00 paid


9. Matt Damon

Returns $10.60 for every $1.00 paid


8. Jennifer Aniston

Returns $10.60 for every $1.00 paid


7. Steve Carell

Returns $10.00 for every $1.00 paid


6. Denzel Washington

Returns $8.30 for every $1.00 paid


5. Kevin James

Returns $6.10 for every $1.00 paid


4. Nicolas Cage

Returns $6.00 for every $1.00 paid


3. Reese Witherspoon

Returns $3.90 for every $1.00 paid


2. Katherine Heigl

Returns $3.50 for every $1.00 paid.


1. Adam Sandler

Returns $3.40 for every $1.00 paid.


I wasn’t surprised at all seeing Adam Sandler at the top of this list. His type of humor seems to remain stagnant in the ever evolving comedy genre. While some comedic actors have adapted, he seems to “stick to his guns” and not stray too far from his comfort zone. I was actually surprised to see that Ryan Reynolds is more profitable than actors like Denzel Washington, Reese Witherspoon, and Matt Damon. While this is based on averages, it still shows that 2013 is just not the year for some of these stars. Regardless, it seems like even the worst of the group is still pulling 3 times their salary in profit, so at least they’re still somewhat profitable.

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