‘Bad Words’ Lives Up to the Title in this Red Band Trailer


Bad Words follows the story of a 40 year old man that finds a loop hole that allows him to compete in national children’s spelling bee competitions. The film is directed by Jason Bateman who also stars in the film. Outside of the film’s main theme, there seems to be a number of crude laughs due to Bateman’s crude behavior and his friendship with one of the spelling bee competitors. Take a look at the trailer below.

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This seems like a comedy that I can get behind. I am a fan of Jason Bateman’s sarcastic humor and with the accompanied crude language and behavior I am interested to see what this film is about. The trailer also asks an open ended question of why someone would want to participate in an adolescent competition such as this. This reminds me a little of Bad Santa (which I also enjoyed) given Bateman’s relationship with the main child but with a story that is intriguing as well. This may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I think I might be taking a sip.

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