
New 4 minute trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2

He y guys, I’m still alive. Just really f’n busy. Sorry I haven’t been sharing thoughts as much but life happens, ya know? Anyway, I  was going to post the Superbowl spots for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and all but was totally out of it during the game and totally out of it the day after, as were the Broncos. Anyhoo, this trailer was released in 1 long ass clip on the day of the Superbowl and I managed to grab us a copy for ocular consumption:


[springboard type=”video” id=”873209″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ]


It’s a little intimidating to see all the villains involved in the film at work and leads me to wonder if this film is intended to be a stand alone film. This is either a really really long movie or there will be unresolved/unanswered plot threads by the time the credits roll. I love the look of Peter Parker/Spider-Man. I’m accepting the looks of the Rhino and Electro. I’m really really like DeHaan as the new Green Goblin/Harry Osborn because he just seems to be owning that quite nicely.


So far I’m really looking forward to this movie. It’s true that the movie suffers unfair scrutiny but such is the case in a world of such fierce competition. That’s all for now.


Source: Sony Pictures



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