Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Old Caesar light

The Apes Are Here To Stay

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Old Caesar light


On July 11th it will finally dawn upon us. The apes are back, it’s their world and we are just living in it. Had you not seen the very good  Rise of the Planets of the Apes couple summers ago, you should see it immediately. The newest full-length trailer for Dawn of the Planets of the Apes will make you gasp, here is why…



The trailer is thrilling. The visuals are so grandeur, it will make you think that you are actually in the world run by apes. Even though, Rise of the Planets of the Apes  had a big name actor in James Franco as the lead, this movie doubles up on talent. Gary Oldman is done playing around with the inmates of Arkham Asylum, instead he’s leading charge in battle against the apes. Keri Russell isn’t Felicity anymore, she’s a legitimate movie actress. Finally the underrated Jason Clarke seems to be the bridge or peacemaker between the humans and apes. This movie will be heavy on destruction, awe inspiring images, and visual candy. Loved seeing the transformation of cities into mere jungles. Best shot from the trailer has to be the ending clip of the apes standing on top of an American flag post..awesome! My early prediction for summer movie of the year.



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