Movie Reviews

Sex Tape Review: It’s all about the iPad

Genre: Comedy Directed by: Jake Kasdan Starring: Jason Segel, Cameron Diaz, Rob Corddry, Ellie Kemper Written by: Jason Segel, Nicholas Stoller (screenplay), Kate Angelo (story)

Genre: Comedy
Directed by: Jake Kasdan
Starring: Jason Segel, Cameron Diaz, Rob Corddry, Ellie Kemper
Written by: Jason Segel, Nicholas Stoller (screenplay), Kate Angelo (story)


Synopsis: A married couple wake up to discover that the sex tape they made the evening before has gone missing, leading to a frantic search for its whereabouts.



Just when you thought the 4th of July fireworks are over,  Sex Tape manages to unleash a monster comedy firecracker. The movie has a fairly simple premise. A middle aged married couple wants to regain their missing sexual chemistry. Watching the film, you can’t help but think every adult has gone through this at some point in their life with their significant other. It’s a real issue that affects relationships. This film brings a real life everyday problem to the forefront, albeit in the most comedic way possible. From the opening moments, the movie grabs your attention. Seeing Cameron Diaz in a multitude of sexual positions sure is a eye-opener. I know what all of you are thinking right now, “Does she get….?” Yeah, you definitely see most of her assets! I am stressing the word assets in the finest way, you get my drift. Aside from the fairly naked scenes, there actually is more to this film.


Now this sure makes you want to be Jason Segel for a day

Now this sure makes you want to be Jason Segel for a day


The film is slapstick comedy at its finest. The story revolves around a missing sex “tape”, more like an iPad recording that goes viral. The journey Segel and Diaz take us on is entertainingly ridiculous. From awkward banter with their best friends played by the fantastic Rob Corddry and Ellie Kemper (more on them later), to cocaine filled post-work meeting with a potential client. That’s just the smidge of what awaits you during the 90 minutes of non-stop comedic chaos.


Yes, kids do play a major role in this film

Yes, kids do play a major role in this film


The performances are a major driving force of the movie. A definitive A-list of comedic talent. Cameron Diaz is back to doing what she does best…comedy. It’s one of her finer performances to date. Segel is spectacular. His physical comedy combined with the spot on dialogue works seamlessly. The chemistry displayed between Diaz and Segel is as organic as you will see in a comedy. On the contrary, Rob Corddry and Ellie Kemper are splendid. Corddry makes a clear-cut case why studios need to feature him as a comedic lead going forward. Similarly, Kemper’s quick wit and deadpan is on another level. In what might be his best supporting role in a decade, Rob Lowe is phenomenal. Think, Rob Lowe as Rafki from Lion King, no need to say more. Not to be omitted, Jack Black makes a memorable appearance as the man behind YouPorn. All cameos are a definite crowd pleaser.


Are they looking at porn?

Are they looking at porn?


Sex Tape will be a movie remembered for the many outlandish moment. The “dog” scene, the sex tape, Rob Lowe the Disney die-hard, flying Segel, etc. The one surprising thing you will come away with is of a heart-warming depiction of a loving couple. A couple trying to spice up their marriage. What the plot ultimately hits home is that the audience will find themselves rooting for Segel and Diaz. Unlike many comedy films that feature couples with relationship issues that are farfetched and unrealistic, Sex Tape offers the opposite. Once again, this is a real-life issue with couples and their strained sex life after marriage and kids. It’s neatly showcased in a comedic fashion.


This is what the movie boils down to

This is what the movie boils down to


Sex Tape is a mid-summer hit. It’s by no means a perfect more, it is entertaining without a doubt. There are moments where things get too out of hand bordering pure ridiculousness. The dialogue seems repetitive at times, there is so many times you can hear “My kid is an asshole” before it gets stale. Those instances by no means derail the film. The performances are polished and high quality. Casting deserves a nice round of applause. Segel proves he’s a box office draw. While the sex video itself is what sets-up the plot, it isn’t what drives it. The relationship is centerpiece of the film, the chemistry is the glue. I was impressed with the on-screen marriage between Seth Rogan and Rose Byrne, however Segel and Diaz rise above them when it comes to on-screen relationships. It might not be a nonstop laugh fest, though it’s highly entertaining, funny, and a quality investment for a date night. Sex Tape can easily can go head-to-head for comedy supremacy with the previously released Neighbors and 22 Jump Street. Consider it money well spent.


A Sexplicit 8 out of 10

Cameron bares it al-most!


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