Genre: Comedy | Romance
Directed by: Alan Hruska, Bruce Guthrie
Starring: Georgia Mackenzie, Amy McAllister, Shane Attwooll
Written by: Alan Hruska
Synopsis: Girl meets boy – or has she? For her, the image taps into her dreams. For him, it’s an equally enchanting but otherworldly experience. Then reality intervenes. For both – or is it the four of them? (c) Imdb
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The Alan Hruska film The Man on Her Mind comes out in selected theaters today. One thing I definitely won’t be telling you is to run to the nearest theater to see this. Hopefully synopsis and trailer above give you some sort of an idea what this movie is about? The Man on Her Mind was a British play turned into a film. Clearly, it should have stayed a play. The movie version of The Man on Her Mind is the second film made by Hruska. Hruska, is a former NYC lawyer turned director, he should probably go back into law after this disaster.
I go into each movie I view with an open mind, even if the the synopsis of the movie isn’t to my liking. I wasn’t sure what to expect with this film? What I witnessed was dreadful. The film is basically a play that’s filmed. The acting is incredibly “theatrical”. The actors who appear in this film such as Georgia Mckenzie, Amy McAllister, and Samuel James aren’t bad actors. Starring in films such as Philomena and Possession among others. The script in this boring and confusing to say the least. McAllister plays Nellie who is pushed by her sister Janet (Mckenzie) to date Leonard (Samuel James) who also plays the fictional lawyer named Jack who is the center of Nellie’s fantasy relationship. Leonard wants to date Nellie who is in love with her imaginary boyfriend Jack, who is basically Leonard as a lawyer. Confused yet? I was–the film just completely misses the mark. The strenuous monologues delivered by each character are a nuisance. You can literally see the pauses between lines delivered.
The character of Nellie is very annoying, as she constantly rambles about nonsensical things. To provide you an example here is a quote Nellie utters to Leonard, ” My life beyond you is like a tree you think you own, falling in a forest you never been into”? Either that’s just too deep for me to comprehend, or that’s seriously one dumb line. The film is filled with lines similar to that. I don’t want to be confused watching a movie, I’m sure neither does the audience.
I did manage to pluck out to positives about the film. The majority of the scenes take place in the daytime, so there seems to be some good natural light that’s displayed in the film. The bright tone of it, at least didn’t add further miserly. If the film was trying to completely mold itself as a play on-screen then they somewhat succeeded. The Man on Her Mind feels nothing like a movie– theatrical play only. Movie review sites have flourished in part of today’s movie audience taking a peak into what they can expect from a film. Is it worth the price of admission? This is where I save you some money–no it’s not worth it. I wish I could say the same for myself and get back the 97 minutes I gave away…
The Man on Her Mind– 1.5 out of 10
Wish this wasn’t on my mind