I am not a big Fantastic Four fan, by any means. I feel their powers are mediocre. The characters are bland, and their villains (besides Doctor Doom) are laughable to say the least. Tack onto the fact, this is the fourth attempt, yes fourth. Most people don’t know that there was a 1994 Fantastic Four movie released so Fox could keep their rights. And, yes, it was terrible – beyond belief. I’m starting to think this material is just not made for the big screen. Now with all that being said: Damn, you Fox for making awesome trailer. It feels like a fresh retelling of an old story. With a solid casting and nice chemistry, I laughed out loud twice, which is always, a good sign. Maybe, there’s some hope left for this once dying franchise. All I know is, if it doesn’t work out this time around, the material needs return back to Marvel
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Doctor Doom looks pretty good
The Thing still looks stupid