
Jem and the Holograms Trailer Rant

Do you remember when you had a childhood? Do you remember how great the cartoons were back then? Do you remember telling yourself that you were going to cherish these memories forever; and, there wasn’t anything that could ruin it for you? Well, Universal Pictures said, “fuck you” to you and your childhood. The purpose of Universal Pictures is to make money, while diminishing the 80’s in the process. I don’t even know where to begin. My biggest gripe is the weird fusion they were trying to accomplish with the 80s and now. THIS DOESN’T WORK! You can’t have an IPad in one scene followed by a keyboard guitar in the next scene. You can’t modernize an era in time. That would be like trying to modernize The Ten Commandments, and instead of you using stone tablets, you use a Kindle. It would look idiotic and out of place, just like this movie. They could have easily called this The Untold Story of Hanna Montana, instead defiling the source material.


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So, you desecrated the Flintstones, Scooby Doo, G.I Joe 1 and 2. Now, you have desecrated Jem and the Holograms. Seriously Universal, if you kill one more 80s cartoon, you’re just asking for death threats.


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