
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl Trailer

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl … do I have to even tell you, what the movie is about? It’s another teenage cancer film, which seems to be the latest trend in Hollywood. Either, they are trying to cash in on sensitive topic or increase awareness of the disease. Or maybe, I just haven’t noticed. But, I will say this though. In my opinion, this is the best one by far. It doesn’t seem like they are trying to make another love story, but a truly heart felt. Its just two guys helping their friend get through Leukemia by using their art. How awesome is that?! I’m all for this movie. I just hope,  I am not teary eyed at the end. Watch the trailer. I would love to hear what everyone thinks.


[springboard type=”video” id=”1527613″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ]


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Why am I’m lying. I’m so going to cry at the end.

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