
Steve Jobs Official Trailer

Got damn, Steve Jobs was a dick. I have never met  Mr. Jobs. But, I am just basing my opinion on what the trailer has shown me. And, what I am getting is that he was a complete douchebag. Do not get me wrong. I positively loved every second of it. It left me wanting more, which I have not felt for a very long time. Christan Bale and Leonardo Dicaprio, both were up for the roles of Jobs, but both left the project. This might be the only time I am glad talent of that level did not stick around. Because? Michael Fassbender looks fucking amazing. He looks like a charming scumbag, you would hate to love. The tone feels right. I honestly cannot say enough good things about the movie. I am so excited for this movie. It is not even funny. Anthony, PLEASE, if an early screening becomes available, send it my way. And, that is it.  I am done. Now watch the trailer, and share your opinions.


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