Movie News Chat

FINALLY, Wonder Woman film will begin production in November



Or maybe this should be titled “Finally, Patty Jenkins gets to direct a comic book film” after being dropped by Marvel from directorial duties for Thor 2. All that aside, Jenkins and company will direct Gal Gadot, Chris Pine and more later this year in the next entry into DC’s cinematic universe.  The whole thing seems a little surreal and one can only hope that the movie meets the lofty expectations of die-hard comic book fans and casual audiences alike.


Wonder Woman has had a lot of trouble in the past with making its way to cinemas with esteemed directors like Richard Donner, Nicolas Winding Refn and most famously Joss Whedon all attempting to get the ball rolling over the last decade or so. Things took a turn in the right direction after dynamic duo Zack and Deborah Snyder got involved Warner Bros and somehow got the exec’s to let them run things seemingly as they see fit. Heck, Deborah Snyder is even injecting an aura of feminism around the films’ production, (which may be evident in the final film), and seems wholly enthusiastic about finally bringing this movie to life. Here’s a clip of her discussing the desire for a female director and crew:



I have reservations about all of this to be honest with you. I’m not a huge Zack Snyder film and believe it or not I don’t love everything coming out of the upcoming Batman vs Superman film either.  DC has zero confidence with me other than to deliver some awesome eye candy and I’m fully some expecting some beautiful films with huge story issues. They have a shoddy history thus far.


That’s all for now. I’ll keep you posted as things develops.


Source: Rama’s Screen





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