Movie News Chat

Let’s Attach Christopher Nolan’s name to Akira and hope it releases



Or something like that. It seems the guys at WB are psychic because just as I was putting the finishing touches on my article about films that were announced but never released someone said “Oh shit, we do have those film rights! Let’s attach Christopher Nolan because it works so well!”


Today there’s a rumor floating that’s exactly the case since Nolan drinks the mystery box Kool-Aid and has a secret movie releasing July 2017, that it might be Akira related. Screen Crush is reporting the rumor also includes that Akira will be a Trilogy for some reason. I can’t fathom why someone would want to continue to bizarre narrative of Akira but Hollywood doe$ love their trilogie$.


I take it with a grain of salt that this movie will ever escape development Hell but we’ll see.


Source: Screen Crush



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