
What I’m Expecting At This Years New York Comic Con

New York Comic Con is only one days away and I couldn’t be more excited!

Why? because this is my first time attending … yes, I’m a virgin. Being a virgin at this means I have numerous expectations that I would love to see met.


One is the cosplay. Since as far back as I can remember, cosplay has been a huge part of Comic Con. The time and effort that goes into some of those costumes is madding. This makes me happy because I want to see some great cosplayers. No Deadpool, or Jokers because they have been done to death. I want some Doc Strange, Sephiroth, anybody from Bioshock, Power Girl (the last one are for personal reasons :-]). If I get there and I see nothing but some half-ass Halloween outfits, words won’t begin to describe my rage of disappointment.

Secondly, are the upcoming movie announcements and casting. I better get one of these two things delivered and since we have both Marvel and D.C. films scheduled for the next five years, I’m assuming that there could be some casting. If it’s casting, I would like an all-star panel. I would love if they give a detailed description on the characters, the actors or actresses who will be playing them, and maybe a little something about their role in the film. I know that’s asking for a lot. If there are any movie announcements they better be a good. I don’t want to hear about a Batman or Superman standalone movie because I already assume that’s eventually coming.  I want something out of left field kind of announcement like Guardians of The Galaxy and Suicide Squad.

You're Next Screening and Q&A at Comic Con

Last, but not least, is my hope for some movie footage. I’m going to be honest with you, I want some exclusive shit. I want it to be so exclusive, the only way you can see it is on YouTube in low resolution on a grainy third world camera flip phone that gets yanked offline shortly after being published. I’m not even joking. I want to see footage of a movie that’s still being made without the CGI and effects being completed. Why? because that is the highlight of Comic Con. Forget the panels, the actors, the girls in half-naked outfits … maybe not that one, but you know what I mean. People pay for an exclusive experience that you can’t get everywhere. Showing footage of movies that haven’t come out yet to a selected few is easily worth the price of admission. I can’t wait to brag about what I saw to all my friends to make them feel bad for missing out on one of the biggest events of the year.

Now, if Comic Con turns out to be a hot piece of turd, trust and believe that there will be a post soon after this one explaining how Comic Con is nothing but a CON.



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