
My Ideal cast for Ultimate Spider-Man

This all started when my cousin and I were having a discussion on how every major Hollywood star could fit into a Marvel movie and it could be amazing. One actor came up when during our discussion and we just couldn’t find a place for him to fit at first but decided we found a place for him in an awesome idea as a Spider-Man casting. I remember being a kid and reading Wizard comics magazine recurring feature of casting a comic book movie, (Casting Call?), where they would hypothesize who would make a great fit for a specific comic book movie. I’m going to borrow that idea for this article with my favorite comic book character, Spider-Man, and although Marvel hasn’t revealed the official title for the Tom Holland version of Spider-Man but I’m going to go out on a limb and refer to him as the ‘Ultimate’ version and fill in the blanks along with that casting fit.

Peter Parker – Tom Holland


Tom Holland is our new Spider-Man. He’s expected to appear as Spider-Man in the upcoming Captain America film and, for the most part, seems like he’ll be a good fit in the role. He may not have been my first choice for the character but he does seem very enthusiastic about the opportunity. Thankfully we will not be receiving another Peter Parker origin story in Spidey’s next appearance and he should be well into his heroic career when his film releases. Fans will ultimately look to judge if he’ll be able to satisfy as both Peter Parker and Spider-Man which is a feat both of his predecessors were scrutinized with balancing in previous attempts to bring the web slinger to screen.


Nick Fury – Samuel L. Jackson


This is a case in which you have to think ‘If it isn’t broken then it doesn’t need fixing’. Samuel L. Jackson has been a fixture in the Marvel cinematic universe since his first cameo at the end of Iron Man. He’s been great to watch on screen in all of his appearances whether they were simple cameos to full on supporting roles in the Marvel films. In the ‘Ultimate’ line of comics his character was a shepherd to Peter’s growth into the role of Spider-Man with occasional advice in support as Peter grew more acclimated to his heroic lifestyle and would be a great consideration for echoing that Godfather like mentor to a young Peter Parker.


Madison Lintz – Mary Jane Watson

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Madison Lintz may not immediately spring to mind when discussing possible casting for a character like Mary Jane Watson but her film resume shows that she has the range to play the spunky teenage version of Peter’s favorite red-head. Some may remember Lintz as the ill-fated Sophia from The Walking Dead TV show, some may remember her turn as Ashley in the Billy Crystal starring film ‘Parental Guidance’. Some may not know her at all but all that aside we can all agree that she certainly has the look of a young Mary Jane Watson.




Brighton Sharbino – Gwen Stacy


Brighton Sharbino is another Walking Dead alumni in which she played Lizzie Samuels, one of the demented ill-fated sisters that Carol coveted throughout the 4th season. The idea of casting actual teenagers in this film is extremely enticing and she has the potential to make for a very interesting Gwen Stacy to Tom Hollands Peter Parker. The only concern in this casting choice is the age difference between Sharbino and Tom Holland which is a whopping 6 years. It may be a negligible age difference down the line depending on the approach to the character but she could be a great supporting character even if she isn’t initially portrayed as a love interest for Peter. If she is portrayed as a love interest then there’s potential for a fun ‘Archie’ like love triangle to Sharbino and Lintz’s Betty and Veronica vying for Peter’s attention.



Marisa Tomei – Aunt May


Marisa Tomei is an interesting choice for Aunt May. Clearly the film is taking a more youthful approach to the character, even if they decide to go for a salt and pepper look, she will definitely be the youngest May seen on screen. Not sure if the purpose is to continue to position a stand-alone film starring the Wheat-Germ slinging aunt but she has the skill to practically sleep walk through this role and still be fantastic. I’m curious where Marvel is going with this one but it’s still a curious choice overall.



Norman Osborn – Tom Cavanagh


Tom Cavanagh already has the adoration of the comic book community with his mesmerizing performance as Dr. Wells in DC’s hit TV show ‘The Flash’. Transitioning from a rich scientist with not so altruistic motivation to… a rich business manager/scientist with not-so-altruistic motivations would be seamless for the adored actor and would only boost this films’ status. He would absolutely nail it as Norman Osborn and although his casting may seem unlikely with him already pledging allegiance to Marvel’s chief rival we could hope that there’s a chance for him to make the switch.


Harry Osborn – Dean-Charles Chapman

dean charles chapman

Norman Osborn lives in the shadow of his father which is a place that’s well within Dean Charles-Chapmen’s experience. On HBO’s Game of Thrones he plays King Tommen Barratheon who is suffocated by the shadow of his predecessors which gives him a level of insight into the role few others can match. He can play the best friend or the manic concerning friend and would be a fun contrast to Holland’s Peter Parker.


Miles Morales – Marcus Scribner


Now here’s one I would be thrilled for Marvel to try. Even if he doesn’t initially evolve into Spider-Man I think it would be fun for Marvel to plant the character in the film for fans to watch. Similar to Dylan Baker in the original Spider-Man trilogy or Terrence Howard’s memorable role in the original Iron Man film it would be a character that can be planted and carefully nurtured. Marcus Scribner is doing a pretty good job on “Black-ish” and has the look and charm of a young Miles. Given time he could become as beloved a Spider-Man as Peter Parker himself. I think it would be interesting if Marvel chose to introduce the character early on and slowly let him spread his webs into the character he’s destined to become. Just make him a classmate and let him pop in from time to time in the film.



Miles Dad/Jefferson Davis – Denzel Washington


Denzel Washington would be great to see in a Marvel film and has exceptional range. Placing him the role as a father figure to a young Miles Morales with a questionable history would be a great scoop for Marvel in a role that he unquestionably would nail. Again, he’s a guy who they could cast and let him grow on fans in his role. He likely wouldn’t need to film for a long time either overcoming the obstacles typically experienced with casting an Oscar winner like Washington.


Ganki – Lincoln A. Castellanos


Ganki would make for a great addition to the film and along with Miles, Gwen, and Mary Jane we could potentially have a great supporting cast. Lincoln has shown he could portray a shy high schooler with the primary concern for the actor being his age. I have no idea how old this guy is but the idea of the kids putting their heads together to think through the villain of the week is a proven formula that could work wonders for Spidey.


Prowler – Wood Harris or  Lawrence Gilliard Jr.


This one is a difficult choice with both Wood Harris and Lawrence Gilliard Jr. Either of them could make for a great Prowler, Miles’ shady villainous uncle Aaron who causes trouble for his family. Seriously, this is a win-win situation with both of them known for bringing different approaches to dangerous criminals. Harris is known for being a bit more intense while Gilliard has a more subversive approach. Take your pick.

Wilson Fisk – Vincent D’Onofrio

This may have been my favorite Marvel casting of all time with D’Onofrio absolutely crushing it as Wilson Fisk in the Netflix series Daredevil. Once again, if it isn’t broken then it shouldn’t be fixed and it would be a great way to show the intertwined universe between Marvel’s cinematic and television efforts. Marvel films and TV may have a hard time sharing heroes but surely someone will get things straightened out when the time comes for villains to appear, right?



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