Movie Reviews

Review: “Miracles From Heaven” Do Really Happen

Genre: Drama Directed by: Patricia Riggen Starring: Jennifer Garner, Kylie Rogers, Martin Henderson Written by: Christy Beam (book), Randy Brown (adaptation)

Genre: Drama
Directed by: Patricia Riggen
Starring: Jennifer Garner, Kylie Rogers, Martin Henderson
Written by: Christy Beam (book), Randy Brown (adaptation)

Synopsis: When Christy discovers her 10-year-old daughter Anna has a rare, incurable disease, she becomes a ferocious advocate for her daughter’s healing as she searches for a solution. After Anna has a freak accident, an extraordinary miracle unfolds in the wake of her dramatic rescue that leaves medical specialists mystified, her family restored and their community inspired. Based on a true story. (Sony Pictures)

This is the kind of movie that’s usually reserved for Lifetime, Hallmark, or straight to DVD. Based on true events, Miracles From Heaven certainly earns its big screen spotlight. Both a heartwarming and gut-wrenching (no pun intended) story about a little girl’s fight with an intestinal disease. The film has quality acting, especially from Jennifer Garner, who puts on a an emotionally packed performance as Christy Beam. Garner plays Anna’s (Kylie Rogers) mother, who goes to great lengths fighting for her child while attempting to maintain her faith.


Miracles From Heaven is a very touching movie. If it doesn’t make you feel sorrow and sadness, you might wanna go looking for your soul. It’s one of those stories that seems to fictional to believe that it actually happened. The plot evolves at a good pacing. The girl’s illness isn’t rushed in the plot, instead it evolves in a natural way. The people that the film’s characters are based on are interesting individuals with distinct personalities. Doctor Nurko (Eugenio Derbez) is the kind of doctor that you wish you and your kids could have. He’s basically a clown without makeup, and in the nicest way possible, a lot of personality and charm that brightens a kids day. Jennifer Garner is the big name actress that carries the movie, she nails the part of the girls mother Christy Beam. Queen Latifah has a small supporting part in the movie. Her part doesn’t really serve a major purpose, but she’s the comedic relief in a emotionally heavy movie.

Queen Latifah adds some comedic relief in a side role

Queen Latifah adds some comedic relief in a side role


I generally enjoyed this film, but it’s certainly not perfect. It is a bit preachy at times. Lots of questions about faith and religion. The faith aspect of the film is heavily tied into Anna’s prognosis. Religion is a touchy subject and some will not relate to it or even may be annoyed by it in the film. This is an emotionally grueling film, not everyone will be able to handle it, and very few won’t develop some tears. There is a bit of a Sci-fi fantasy element towards the end of the film, not exactly convincing, but understandable why the filmmakers wanted to include it. Seeing a deathly sick child is a heartstring that doesn’t need any pulling. Aside from Garner, Derbez, and Rogers, the acting isn’t a strong aspect of the film. The Kevin Beam (Martin Henderson) is sort of a boring character in the movie, doesn’t seem passionate, lacks persona, not much to him. In a way it makes Christy look a lot more like a the clear head of the household and

The Beam family in happier times

The Beam family in happier times


Miracles is an emotional roller-coaster of a film. I felt happiness, sorrow, anger (doctors blowing off a medical concern), sadness, laughter, and inspiration. Movies like this usually go straight to DVD or cable TV, but it’s good to have a film like this that deals with real life issues on the big screen. The film is simply about family, faith, and hope. Stay for the post-credit scene to see the real life Beam family. I did like how the significant characters were referenced to at the end and their actions were justified and explained. It’s an amazing story that’s hard to believe, but real life miracles do happen and this movie shines the light on one of many.

Rating: PG 

Runtime: 1hr 49min

Release Date: March 16, 2016. 

For more movie news follow me on Twitter @JimRko

  • Acting - 7/10
  • Cinematography - 7.5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 8/10
  • Setting/Theme - 8/10
  • Buyability - 7.5/10
  • Recyclability - 6/10
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